Sunday, October 20, 2013

21 weeks in...

I decided that now, at 21 weeks, and things already starting to be forgotten from when I first found out I was pregnant in June, that I should probably start writing things down. Also, I'm going crazy making decisions and as great as he is, Scott isn't always much input into baby info (blind leading the blind around Buy Buy baby). So, maybe I'll even get some tips on here!

Up until now
I found out that I was pregnant on Thursday, June 20th. I had been off of birth control about 3 weeks, and only took a pregnancy test because it was my sister's wedding weekend and I thought I should check before I drank that weekend. I was shocked when it came out positive. I bought the cheap rite aid brand test, so blamed that and took another one later. Yup, still positive! I always thought I'd tell my husband in a cute way (a la Becky and Uncle Jesse on Full House where she makes him miniature food) but I was too in shock to pinterest something cute and instead, stumbled into our bedroom where Scott was still sleeping and mumbled "'s positive." He smiled, said something along the lines of "that's cool" and rolled over to sleep some more. So then of course I called my mom and told her, and my sister, and the doctor's office. I told them I needed a pregnancy test because I had had a positive one at home. They said "well, if it's positive at home, you're pregnant - you don't need to come in." Apparently they are only wrong sometimes if they're negative. I politely insisted on a blood test and they were nice enough to oblige. I must have looked pretty nervous because the lady who drew my blood gave me a hug when she left. So, fast forward 24 hours, got the confirmation!

The funny thing is, the other two bridesmaids in that wedding were pregnant too, so my sister had three pregnant bridesmaids. I drank diet coke all weekend (before I learned that diet pop is a pregnant no no), thinking all eyes would be on Erin and not me, but of course we got asked from multiple people at the wedding WHY ARE YOU DRINKING POP? ARE YOU PREGNANT?! Ah well, I've never been very secretive.
Erin and her 3 pregnant bridesmaids
Wedding Party
Aren't they cute? 

Fast forward about 17 weeks, two OB-GYN offices, two (failed and headache producing) attempts at registering, two baby books read, about 13 pounds gained (depending on how honest I'm being with what I weighed before I was pregnant), a few hundred of dollars spent on semi-ugly maternity clothes (because that's all that is out there and you can't go naked), one crib put together and TOO MANY baby clothes purchased, here we are at 21 weeks, just past the half way point and starting a blog!

My goal is to be honest with my cluelessness as we venture into this crazy world of babies and parenting, and to have an outlet and a documentation for the changes happening in our lives. And then once she is here, to share pictures and memories with our friends and family and to have something to look back on on the harder days when I may need a smile :). Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait till the big event !! Love you...

    Gramps Hill
