Sunday, November 10, 2013

4 dressers, an ER visit and ultrasound pics!

We've made it to the 24 week mark. Most main organs are done forming with the baby (and anatomy scan 4 weeks ago says everything that is supposed to be there is there!) and now she is packing on the pounds.. which apparently means I am too! I gained 6 pounds in the past 4 weeks. The baby has gained less than one. No fair. My early maternity clothes are officially too small, and there is no more question out in public whether people feel comfortable asking me about the pregnancy!

Speaking of which - what's up with that? Why, when you're pregnant, do people all of a sudden lose their normal social norms and filters? It seems that people always either a) want to comment on your body (I know how I look, and don't feel great about it, so we don't need to have a conversation about it) or b) want to tell your their gruesome terrible detailed stories from when they had their babies. I have been pretty self conscious about the weight gain and size lately, so when somebody asked if I was SURE I wasn't having twins, after telling me about her blood transfusion and lack of epidural success, I questioned her sanity and wished I had a good response for her that would keep her from offending any other unsuspecting pregnant women out there. I am still trying to think of a good response for when people rude/unwelcome comments. In my head I know they aren't trying to be mean, but still, NOT COOL PEOPLE.

In other news, the furniture is finally (almost) done in the baby's room! After 4 attempts, we finally got a good dresser (the first three were damaged upon arrival). We picked up the glider and ottoman, but unfortunately the ottoman was a different color than the chair, so back that went this week! Should arrive next week - but at least they gave us 20% off for the trouble. I'm all about saving money! Scott now officially wants nothing to do with Babies R Us and is on the Buy Buy Baby bandwagon. Here is a pic of the room with furniture in it - now we need paint, curtains, and decorations and we're all set!

Things seem to be progressing pretty well. I'm feeling pretty good overall, haven't been sick, and have even started to feel her move in the past few weeks. First it was pretty low, now it's getting more up by my belly button :). Very cool feeling. Not strong enough for Scott to feel, but hopefully he will get to feel her soon. We did have one ER visit a few weeks back though - I was having pretty bad cramping, and of course when you google "cramping while pregnant" you get very scary search results, so in we went. Luckily ER doesn't want anything to do with pregnant people (and I didn't want to be around those germs), so they sent us right up to labor & delivery where everything checked out fine. Turns out I was semi-dehydrated, and I found out that I'm supposed to be drinking a GALLON of water a day. Oops! Definitely haven't been doing that. They were super nice, and I had my first experience of having my cervix checked.. yikes!

We went back this past Friday for our 24 week visit and got a surprise 3D ultrasound. I keep going back and forth between it being incredibly cool but also incredibly weird to see the baby that clearly. Here are the ultrasound pics up until now, with the creepy/cool 3D ones toward the bottom.

 6 weeks
12 weeks 
16 weeks - "pretty sure it's a girl!"

20 weeks - hands in her mouth - confirmed it's a girl!

24 weeks - profile and 3D pictures  

These pictures are just so crazy to look at! Because I had a small bleed earlier in pregnancy and now have some fluid they're keeping an eye on, I get to have ultrasounds every 4 weeks, which is my favorite part of going to these appointments! Next up is the gestational diabetes test that I've been dreading (12 hour test followed by 3 blood draws and having to drink that awful tasting sugary/goopy gross drink). Moving right along! 

And to leave you, here is her Halloween costume for next year which I got for a STEAL after Halloween. How cute is this?!